Asbestos, lead, mold, water restoration, fire restoration, smoke restoration, crime scene cleanup, trauma cleanup, sewage backup , board-up, pack-out, inventory, asbestos abatement, lead abatement, mold remediation, commercial cleaning, janitorial services, residential cleaning, floors, window cleaning, general contractor, carpet cleaning, area rug cleaning, wool rug cleaning, upholstery cleaning, dust containment, duct cleaning, odor removal, ozone treatment, Porterville, Visalia, Tulare, Lindsay, Exeter, Strathmore, Tulare, Tulare County, California
Talk to a real person 24 hours a day,
365 days a year.
Call us:
Toll-free (855) 991-2677
(559) 781-4800
Restoring your life.
24 hours a day.
Asbestos, lead, mold, water restoration, fire restoration, smoke restoration, crime scene cleanup, trauma cleanup, sewage backup , board-up, pack-out, inventory, asbestos abatement, lead abatement, mold remediation, commercial cleaning, janitorial services, residential cleaning, floors, window cleaning, general contractor, carpet cleaning, area rug cleaning, wool rug cleaning, upholstery cleaning, dust containment, duct cleaning, odor removal, ozone treatment, Porterville, Visalia, Tulare, Lindsay, Exeter, Strathmore, Tulare, Tulare County, California
Valley Cleaning & Restoration, Inc. was incorporated in the State of California in March of 2011. Founder Robert Lassotovitch currently functions as the Chief Executive Officer for the corporation.
Valley Cleaning & Restoration, Inc. (VCR)'s mission is to exceed your expectations by serving you with respectful, world class service and state-of-the-art processes provided by VCR's great staff. One job at a time, VCR positions itself as the premier market choice for general contracting, abatement, restoration services and cleaning in California.
Gina Bionda
Book Keeper
Jose Hernandez
Construction Technicians
Rick Crain
Construction Technician
• To be the leader in the asbestos & lead abatement industry, water & fire restoration services, reconstruction & cleaning industry.
• Providing innovative training to our employees while utilizing state-of-the-art technology.
• Providing environmentally-friendly and cost-effective solutions to our customers.
VCR is “Restoring Your Life”, and returning our customers' homes to an improved condition, one job at a time. Quality, well-trained employees with the very best process and equipment allows VCR to obtain a highly desirable level of business success. VCR continuously strives to maximize internal and external customer loyalty. We are very curious of customer feedback and make every effort to listen to our customers and understand what they are saying. We appreciate our customers' needs in every situation.